I’m loser.
So i accept this fact that i’m loser.
Ok, fine i’m loser.
But i always fight to be the succesful person coz i know that i’m loser.
That thing help me to be the person that u’ll know now
Bicara Bro : Dah lama tak bagi motivasi pada diri sendiri.
Loser – just for the person that don’t know how to be succesful person.
missing word ‘know’ rasanya dlm bicara bro tu
sudah betulkan
loser is quitter….
i’m not quit yet….
then u not lose yet bro
loser? tak arrr :p
ye ke… mmg terasa cam loser je nie
muhasabah diri ni penting supaya kita tak cepat lupa diri :)
memang kita kena motivate diri sendiri supaya jd lebih semangat..